
Former Hacienda Coporillo

Coporillo is a word for the tree known as amate prieto, a variety of fig that must have been distinctive of the locale, for it was the name given in the mid-nineteenth century to this pulque-producing hacienda in the municipality of Epazoyucan. The former Hacienda Coporillo comprises a total of 55 hectares in a cactus-filled landscape at a height of 2700 meters above sea level, which affords a one-of-a-kind panoramic view of the region.


1.-Estudios/Dormitorios para artistas
2.-Dormitorios Comunes
3.-Taller de uso común para artistas
4.-Comedor y Cocina
5.-Galería al aire libre
6.-Sala de usos multiples
7.-Espacio / jardin de cactaseas para desarrollo de cursos, conferencias y presentaciones editoriales


How to get there

You can get to Hacienda Coporillo by taking the Pachuca-Tulancingo highway, at Km. 17 take the turn-off to Rancho El Guajolote and the Hacienda Corporillo is 2.5 km away in the municipality of Epazoyucan.